Frequently-Asked Questions

List of questions:

Q: I got a pamphlet from you, and I think I don’t ever want to read your literature again. How can I avoid more literature from you?

Q: Are you guys just run-of-the-mill Republicans?

Q: Are you guys just run-of-the-mill Republicans?

A: Nope. The Alt-Right rejects the corruption of the fake-“conservative” Washington Establishment.  While they gave lip-service to conservatism, they stabbed our country in the back with anti-White schemes like:

  • Wars for Israel (e.g. the useless Iraq War that “accidentally” created ISIS.  Saddam Hussein was as civilized as an Arab ever will be, and he even allowed Christians to spread the Gospel in his country-which is actually illegal in Israel!)
    • Not only were they against our geopolitical interests, but they cost our Troops dearly in terms of lives, physical injuries, and psychological trauma.
    • But, of course the anti-White establishment couldn’t care less, because a disproportionate number of our actual combat troops are Whites, especially Southerners.
    • Imagine how Black advocacy groups would complain [and rightly so!] if a disproportionate number of casualties in that useless war were Black.
  • Billions for criminal bankers (a disproportionate number of whom are Jewish).  The most blatant instance of this was the 2008 bailouts, but the way the Federal Reserve System (not federal, and has no reserves) actually works allows these bankers to invent money from thin air and get a cut of it.
    • Due to the stranglehold these moneychangers have over our economy, some college students waste their time studying arcane financial instruments instead of subjects that would actually benefit our economy by creating real things.
    • Jesus took a whip to the Jewish moneychangers to drive them away from God’s people.  Why would we trust fake conservatives over Jesus Himself?!
  • Increasing non-White immigration (both illegal, and “legal”), even though a robust majority of conservatives want to reduce all Third-World immigration, “legal” or otherwise.
    • For instance, fake-conservative Bush brought tens of thousands of Somali African Muslims to nice White communities in the Midwest.  Meanwhile, nearby Atlanta
  • Section 8 and other forced integration schemes that push Whites deeper into White Flight, forcing us to work ever longer hours and buy needlessly-expensive houses in a semi-futile attempt to avoid the Black underclasses that constantly follow us thanks to HUD.
    • Just take a look at Montgomery (or, God forbid you should ever set foot there, Selma!) to see what’s left when the White (and Asian) people leave.
  • No effort to contain the constant anti-White propagandizing, from places like:
    • Hollywood (which is disproportionately controlled by Jews–Mel Gibson is the only White guy left there who actually speaks out in favor of Whites;, from mandatory lessons about only one genocide in all of history (the Holocaust)
    • School curriculum that covers up Jewish crimes like:
      • The Jewish-Bolshevik domination of the Russian Revolution and the attendant genocides of White Christian Ukrainians and Russians that followed
      • The Jewish-Israeli genocide of Palestinians (many of whom were Christians and had European ancestry from the Crusades)
      • The Jewish-Communist-ordered mass rape of German women and girls in defeated Germany in World War 2 by Mongolian/Central Asian Soviet second-line troops

Therefore, we stand for real conservatism, the kind White patriots believed in a hundred years ago or more.  The kind that built our country.  Not the forked-tongued half-truths of Jewish neoconservatives like Mark Levin trying to shame you for being White.