What are the Noahide Laws?

The True Story of a Sinister, Secret Holiday!  by Wyatt Mann

President George H. W. Bush obediently followed three men in their characteristic black hats and suits into the Oval Office. Three more followed him, leaving no escape. Their spittle-encrusted beards smelled of sweat and age. Six men-the number of their god, he thought. Honoring one unseen, their messi—-. He stopped short, not wanting to think of who that was.

Palms sweating, the President repeated his justifications to himself as he took his place at his desk. If I don’t sign this, I’ll be called “racist” and “anti-Semite”. They might even have me removed from office with the 25th Amendment. Besides, I need their money for the election next year. By the time these guys implement their Noahide Laws, at least I won’t be around to see it—or be subject to it.
A lone cameraman was already set up in the far corner of the room: while the event was a highly-symbolic ritual, only the leaders of the most cohesive race on earth (and people brainwashed to like them) were supposed to know about it.
The leading rabbi tapped with finality on the President’s chair with a hand covered in sparkling jewels. His bushy eyebrows were permanently arched, and his 6-shaped nose and beard-enshrouded mouth were mashed together, giving him the goofy appearance of a permanently-surprised pitbull. “The ‘Rebbe’ appreciates your country’s obedience. You are a good Noachide Gentile, and you might even get a place in Our World To Come” he sneered, his guttural accent shooting a drop of spittle onto the President’s trembling hand as it signed Public Law 102-14, declaring the 11th of the Hebrew month of Nisan “Education and Sharing Day”and formally honoring the “Lubavitcher Rebbe” Rabbi Menachem Schneerson1.

Yes, the above is a dramatization, but of a real event. In 1991 and every year since then, the President (be he an open socialist traitor like Clinton or Obama, or a liberal “Republican” like Bush) has signed a proclamation dedicating “Education Day” to the ultra-religious Jewish Rabbi Menachem Schneerson on his birthday (Nisan 11 per the Hebrew calendar, or April 7th in 2017).
(We have reason to hope that President Trump will refuse to endorse this man, by the way. He already has angered rich Jews by warning them their money can’t buy him, and he declared he’d be “neutral” on Israel-Palestine instead of a slave of Israel as it genocides Palestine like Obama, Clinton, Bush, etc.! But that will remain to be seen tomorrow, April 7th.)
So just who was this man? The liberal media says only that he was the seventh spiritual leader of the Haredi (ultra-orthodox Jewish) sect of Chabad Lubavitch. But Schneerson exercised considerable, albeit hidden, influence over politicians around the world. Public Law 102-14, which Bush was forced to sign, tells you this influence was good, for it praises him as “universally respected and revered.”
Nice try. Schneerson’s confusing, Hebrew writings express a supremacist doctrine you would expect from the anti-Christ:

Schneerson literally thought that all non-Jews (White, Black, Arab, Asian, whatever) are born only to serve Jews, and that their souls are Satanic!

For the record, here at the Auburn White Student Union, we don’t believe ordinary Jews have a “satanic soul”.  We certainly don’t think that Gentiles (be they White, Black, Asian, etc.) have “satanic souls”.  Also, while this Rabbi thinks that all Gentiles (White, Black, Asian…) were born to serve Jews, we don’t think that any non-White people were born to serve Whites.  We believe in peaceful coexistence of the races, but just that some White people (not all) would like to be separate and thus deserve that right.
For that matter, current Israeli Prime Minister B. Netanyahu was once honored by Schneerson, with Schneerson hinting that “the Jewish Messiah has come”; Netanyahu went on to command Israeli mass murders in Palestine, (mostly of civilians4,5), in 2009 and 2014. Chabad Lubavitch has itself produced numerous other anti-Gentile fanatics, both racist rabbis6 and layperson-terrorists (including one who mass-murdered Muslims at prayer)7.

(by the way, the evil Lubavitcher Baruch Goldstein, who massacred 29 Muslims while they were praying, himself put that Star of David onto his clothing; it was not a Photoshop job.  I guess he was claiming that anyone who does not murder innocent Arabs is somehow an anti-Semite? Obviously, we condemn the genocidal violence of Jewish Racists like Goldstein in the strongest terms, and, as you may have guessed, we have a lot of sympathy for the Palestinians who are suffering under Israeli Racism.  The Jewish Left claims to be friendly to Muslims, but they really just want them to immigrate to the US to displace White people.  They’re actually brutal to Muslims in the MidEast, not only when Israel genocides them, but also when Israel and its puppets promote civil wars in MidEast countries or call for nuclear war against Iran)

Moreover, the sad fact is that numerous Jewish religious and political leaders endorse Jewish supremacism, and the Mainstream Media (“Cohen-cidentally” dominated by Jews!) hides these facts from us.

Citations: Ovadia Yosef’s quote (had the largest turn-out for his funeral in Israeli history, despite or perhaps because of his anti-Gentile statements).  Rabbi Dov Lior’s quote
Now, not every Jewish person thinks this way. In fact, the only reason we know about Schneerson’s Jewish-Supremacist views is because a good Jew (and general critic of Jewish extremism), Israel Shahak, translated Schneerson’s rabbinical writings from Hebrew (which almost no Gentiles speak) into English.  (You can find a PDF of his book, “Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel”, with a bit of Googling.) Thanks, Dr. Shahak! That said, many ordinary Jews would call him a “self-hating” Jew, when really he just hates Jewish Racism, not all Jews.

So Jewish Power is forcing our Presidents to honor Schneerson. But why call this day “Education Day”?

Well, Schneerson did run a “school”…of sorts. Problem is, Ohlei Torah in Crown Heights, Noo Yawk doesn’t teach a single secular subject8 (and in fact Haredi education horribly abuses its children, often sexually.  The problem is so bad that even the mainstream media has to acknowledge it, and it is embarrassing to non-religious Jews 9). Given Schneerson’s religious supremacism, is “education” a euphemism for something more sinister? Maybe brainwashing Gentiles to submit to a Jewish “New World Order” world government?

(This quote about wanting a World State comes straight from the Chabad website)

Returning to the text of Public Law 102-14, we find it praising some “Seven Noahide Laws”, touted as “the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization”. Chabad Lubavitch’s official website describes them as “the universal system of law which is meant to govern the entire world”10 (that in an article endorsing Obamacare!  I kid you not.)
On the surface, a few of these mysterious laws11 (prohibitions on murder, theft, and cruelty to animals) sound good. But others, like the prohibition of “immoral” sexual relations and “blasphemy” will disconcert you if you believe in Separation of Synagogue and State. Unbelievably, however, numerous Jewish sources (not just the Chabad Lubavitch) state that the punishment for a Gentile who violates any of these laws is always death by beheading12 (even for stealing13), with only one ‘witness’ needed to “prove” guilt14!

Oh, and conveniently, Jews will not be subject to the Noahide courts15: in fact, Chabad says this is because Gentiles are purely ‘emotional’ beings, whereas it implies that Jews (and Jews alone) are supposedly also ‘intellectual’16.
But most evil of all is the law punishing “idolatry”. In 2002, the Chief Rabbi of Rome, a big advocate of the Noachide Laws17, apparently defined worship of Jesus Christ as “idolatry” (The Noachides and Rome’s Chief Rabbi, Riccardo Di Segni,” Father Francesco Ricossa, Sodalitium, French Edition, No. 53, July, 2002, translated by Suzanne M. Rini, Trans Et Alia, Vol. 3, No. 3, Sept. 2002.) Note that Revelation 20:4 prophecies that the Beast (probably-Jewish, because it refers to a city of seven hills, which could be Jerusalem) will attempt to behead believers in Jesus!

But here at the Auburn White Student Union, we will never submit to Jewish supremacists like Scheerson, nor to anti-Christ Noahide Laws. Instead, we’ll expose them and their politician puppets, Democrat and Republican.
We’re proud that the rise of the Alt-Right and Trump’s resulting victory has awakened millions of Americans to the dangers of the Establishment’s globalist traitors. Yes, the Jewish Power Elite, and their controlled Republicans and Democrats, tried in vain to defeat Trump—but they failed, and now we have a remarkable opportunity to take our Country back.
The AWSU is organizing our fellow Whites into a real, organic community, based on kinship and connection, not meaningless abstractions and consumerism. We’re also extending a hand of friendship and alliance to good people of all races, to secure a future in which all peoples can peacefully coexist, and White people enjoy White societies.  We will treat people of any race who recognize our right to exist as Whites with courtesy and mutual respect.
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